Monday, August 9, 2010

Going online

The previous post summarized one way to qualify a new political party in California. Before a new party qualifies as a registered California political party, nothing prevents it from deciding its own policies, voicing opinions about California or national politics and doing anything else political. That can be done while the party is forming or going online, so to speak.

Other than not advocating for violence or overthrow of the state or federal government, there are essentially no constraints on political speech. That is true regardless of whether a party is officially registered or not. Citizens do not need to belong to any political party or be registered to vote to express political opinions. 

The new party could hold its own votes, e.g., by internet, for or against any state or national politician or law at any time it wanted. Of course, such votes would not be binding, but if enough people supported those votes, the political establishment would take notice. Doing that would be more than just expressing discontent in an opinion poll. 

The Democratic and Republican parties understand that many voters are unhappy with both of them. Reasons for discontent are obvious. However, unless discontented voters generate some real opposition, significant reform or change will not occur. In politics, as with most other things, the system is the way it is for darn good reasons. In the case of politics, special interests and money dominate the public interest because that is what the incentives reward. The status quo simply isn't going to change without a fight. It serves wealth and power at the expense of the public interest.

Registering a new political party is one way to force something different into politics as usual. Different politics include advocating for the public interest against special interests and forcing more transparency into politics. Getting there will take a fight, which isn't all bad. Unhappy voters can at least try to force change into politics without getting tossed into jail or disappear.

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