Sunday, May 6, 2012

What party is the most dysfunctional?

Hm . . . that's a tough call. Democrats tax, spend, over-regulate (and/or mis-regulate) and often (usually?) can't get complicated or simple legislation right. On the other hand, Republicans debt, spend, under-regulate (and/or mis-regulate) and often can't get legislation right. Special interests with money have bought and paid for both. Neither party puts service to the public before service to their own interests and other special interests. Both parties are blinded by their sacred but often (usually?) wrong ideology. Republicans seem to suffer this flaw more than democrats, but that's hard to know for sure - democrats are sneaky. It's a tough call indeed. Both parties are serious, dedicated contenders for the coveted most dysfunctional prize.

A crocodile

A tie breaker!
California Moderates (CM) has had its suspicions for a while, but parsing the details and being fair about it is very difficult. Hence, CM has mostly, but not completely held its tongue, out of CM's usual abundance of dispassionate professionalism. An impartial, authoritative study from allegedly impartial analysts would help to break the impasse. Alas! Where is such an authority?

Is the crocodile . . . . .

Not to worry, there is such an authority. Well-known congressional scholars (one highly respected democrat and one highly respected republican, both characterized as fair and reasonable in their opinions) have concluded that the Republican party is broken. Really broken. As the experts put it regarding congressional dysfunction:

"One of the two major parties, the Republican Party, has become an insurgent outlier — ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition".  (Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein from their book "It's Even Worse Than It Looks")

.  .  .  .  . like a political party .  .  .  .  .

See that part about blowing off facts and science? That's really good. Anyway, congratulations Republican party and republican hard cores on a bad job poorly done. Keep up the bad work. Or, is that an unfair and imbalanced way to see things? One can be sure the republican party will rebut the bad job assertion with great zest and vigor, to say the absolute least.

 .  .  .  .  .  stepping on people?

Heard, understood, dispassionately considered, but not persuasive
The republican rebuttal is heard, understood, fairly considered, but is unpersuasive from an impartial non-ideological point of view. The republican party is the most dysfunctional of the two dysfunctional mega weight contenders. Again, congratulations to the republican party! Sort of.

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