Saturday, November 13, 2010

Post #1 - Reincarnation

The California Moderates blog is back, but as a different beast. The original was dedicated to starting a new moderate / pragmatic political party in California. That effort failed. The premise was, and still is, that meaningful reform and more intelligent politics cannot come from the two established parties. They are captive to powerful special interests with money and their own entrenched activists. Neither will tolerate reform. That would threaten their power and challenge their political and religious ideology.

Moderates are beginning to organize on a national level. To date, most of the discussion has focused on political news, criticism and commentary, which is fine. However, if moderates are going to really challenge the status quo, it will require a new political party in each state. That requires organization at the state level. It also requires a clear explanation of what moderates stand for, what they would do and how they differ from the right and the left.

This blog is here to suggest political changes and how to implement new ways of thinking about solving political problems. Some of the content will be California-centric, but that is just because that is where I live. Maybe some of this content will be useful to groups in other states. If so, use it as you wish. There are no strings attached.

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